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Application scope of automotive high-voltage energy storage wiring harness

  • Date:2024-03-11T02:12:24Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    Detailed description: Automobile energy storage wiring harness refers to the electrical connection system used for automobile energy storage systems. It connects energy storage devices (such as batteries) with other components of the vehicle (such as electric motors, inverters, etc.) to achieve energy transmission. and control.

    Energy storage harnesses are components used in energy storage systems to store electrical energy and release it when needed. The application fields of energy storage wire harnesses include: common in new energy vehicles, ships, aviation, industrial equipment and other fields.

    The energy storage harness uses high-density batteries as energy storage components, and uses high-strength raw materials and insulation layers to ensure battery safety and improve its safety. As a wire harness that stores and releases energy, the energy storage harness adopts an efficient intelligent management system to comprehensively control the charging and discharging speed and current of the battery, which helps to extend the life of the battery and improve energy utilization.

    Electric vehicles: Energy storage harnesses can be used in energy storage systems of electric vehicles. Electric vehicles need to store electrical energy to provide power, and the energy storage harness can be used as a battery component of electric vehicles to improve the range and performance of electric vehicles.

    Industrial automation: Energy storage harnesses can be used for energy storage and backup in industrial automation systems. For example, in automated production lines, energy storage harnesses can be used as backup power sources to ensure stable operation of the production line.

    In short, energy storage wire harnesses have a wide range of applications and can play an important role in many different fields.

    Energy storage harnesses have the ability to efficiently store and release energy, which is conducive to the promotion of renewable energy and the connection between development and use of clean energy. Welcome to visit: OMG EV Cable

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