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EVs cable production and shipment identification tracking status

  • Date:2024-07-02T01:46:25Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    Automobile cable shipment identification tracking is a complex process involving multiple links and technologies, aimed at ensuring the traceability, quality control and market supervision of cable products. The following is a detailed analysis and summary of automotive cable shipment identification tracking:

    Introduction: Identification design and application

    Identification design: Content requirements: The automotive cable shipment identification should contain basic information of the cable, such as model, specification, production date, batch number, manufacturer, etc. At the same time, according to specific needs, it may also include safety certification marks (such as UL certification), flame retardant grade identification, etc.

    Form selection: The identification can be in various forms such as self-adhesive labels, printed labels, and QR codes. As a convenient digital identification method, QR codes have been widely used in the automotive parts and wire and cable industries in recent years.

    Identification application: Production process: During the production process, each cable product should be affixed with a shipping identification in an appropriate position, and ensure that the identification is clear, complete and not easy to fall off.

    Quality inspection: In the quality inspection link, the shipping identification should be checked as part of the product qualification to ensure that the identification information is consistent with the actual product.

    Shipment tracking process. Production records: During the cable production process, detailed production record files should be established, including information from various links such as raw material procurement, production and processing, and quality inspection. These records will provide basic data support for shipping identification tracking.

    Identification entry system: The shipping identification information is entered into the company's product quality traceability management system to realize digital management of information. This helps to quickly query and track relevant information of cable products in subsequent links.

    Shipping inspection: Before the cable is shipped, a strict shipping inspection should be carried out to ensure the quality of the cable product and the accuracy of the shipping identification. At the same time, the shipping information is recorded, including shipping time, quantity, receiving unit, etc.

    Logistics tracking: During the transportation of cable products, the transportation trajectory of the product can be tracked through the logistics management system. This helps to understand the real-time location and estimated arrival time of the product, and provides convenience for the receiving unit.

    In summary, automotive cable shipping identification tracking is a systematic project that requires enterprises to work together in multiple links such as production, quality inspection, and logistics. By establishing a complete product quality traceability management system and applying advanced Internet of Things and big data technologies, enterprises can achieve full tracking and quality control of cable products, improve product market competitiveness and consumer satisfaction. Welcome to search: OMG EV cable

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