This website provides content that is registered and posted by third-party users. The responsibility for all information published lies with the individual who posted the information. We display a prominent warning for information posted by users who haven't logged in for a year. Additionally, we make every effort to comply with national laws and regulations. User accounts that violate laws and regulations by posting information will be strictly punished and may be closed. We repeatedly remind users not to post inappropriate content in the areas designated for information release. Users must agree to our information release rules to continue posting information. 1688Club does not provide transaction guarantees and does not engage in online transactions. Users are advised to be cautious and vigilant in all transactions and exercise caution. 1688Club respects intellectual property rights. We will not intentionally offend any rights holder or institution. If you believe your rights have been infringed upon, please contact us promptly, and we will handle the matter appropriately.