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An overview of the role of the characteristics of high-voltage cables for automotive connection

  • Date:2024-06-24T01:36:49Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    Introduction: Any cable used in a vehicle should be insulated to prevent accidental contact and short circuits. Most cables are made of copper wire because copper has low resistance and strong plasticity. The insulating material is usually made of polyvinyl chloride (PCV).

    High-voltage harnesses require greater insulation to prevent voltage leakage, because if leakage occurs, the risk of injury to the human body when accidentally touched is very high. Inside the vehicle, stickers with various symbols are usually affixed to the high-voltage harness, and bright orange insulating materials are used to warn of danger.

    Specification case introduction: If the harness needs to transmit high power, it must carry a large current. We know that power equals voltage multiplied by current (P = IV), and current I = P/V. Let's assume that the total voltage of the power battery is 250 V. If the instantaneous power transmitted by the high-voltage harness is 20 kW, then the current transmitted at this time is 20,000 / 250 = 80 A. Under full throttle acceleration, this number is even higher, for example, 80 kW requires 320 A of current. Therefore, high-voltage wiring harnesses are generally designed to be thick (copper cable) and thick (insulation material).

    If you are interested in OMG cables, I suggest you search for relevant customer reviews and feedback online, or consult your local cable dealer for more information. I hope this information can help you. If you have other questions, please continue to consult. Search: OMG EV battery cable

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