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Introduction to raw materials and processing technology for automotive cable accessories

  • Date:2024-06-17T01:21:37Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    DESCRIPTION:The raw materials and processing technology of automotive cable accessories have a vital impact on the quality and safety of automotive cables. The following is an introduction to the raw materials and processing technology of automotive cable accessories: description from the aspects of raw materials, processing technology, finished product testing, etc.:

    I. Raw materials

    1. Conductor material: The conductor material of automotive cable accessories usually uses copper or copper alloy, because copper has good electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, and strong corrosion resistance.

    2. Insulation material: The insulation material of automotive cable accessories generally uses polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE), which have good insulation and wear resistance.

    3. Sheath material: The sheath material of automotive cable accessories generally uses PVC or polyamide, which has good corrosion resistance and wear resistance.

    II. Processing technology

    1. Conductor production: The conductor production of automotive cable accessories usually adopts the stranding process, that is, multiple strands of fine copper wire are twisted into a conductor to improve the softness and strength of the conductor.

    2. Insulation processing: The insulation processing of automotive cable accessories usually adopts the extrusion process, that is, the conductor is coated in the insulating material, and then the conductor and the insulating material are pressed into one by an extruder.

    3. Sheath processing: The sheath processing of automotive cable accessories usually adopts extrusion process or injection molding process, that is, the insulation layer is wrapped in the sheath material, and then the sheath material is pressed into one piece by an extruder or injection molding machine.

    4. Finished product inspection: The finished products of automotive cable accessories need to be strictly inspected, including appearance inspection, electrical performance inspection, heat resistance inspection, weather resistance inspection, etc., to ensure the quality and safety of the products.

    The above is an introduction to the raw materials and processing technology of automotive cable accessories, I hope it will be helpful to you. If you need to know more details, please search and visit: OMG EV Harness

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