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The use of new energy vehicle cable classification

  • Date:2024-06-11T01:43:00Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    Introduction: As an important part of the vehicle electrical system, automotive cables can be divided into many types according to their materials, structures and uses. They provide key power transmission functions for various parts of the car, from engine ignition to interior lighting to advanced electronic control. The cable system ensures the normal operation of the car and the comfort and safety of the occupants.

    Classification based on purpose: The representative categories are signal lines, power lines, high voltage and low voltage, copper core and aluminum core as classification standards.

    Copper wire: Due to its good conductivity, copper wire is often used in occasions requiring high conductivity, such as starting circuit wire.

    Aluminum wire: Aluminum wire is light in weight. As part of the lightweight design of the car, it can be used as a substitute for copper wire in occasions where the conductivity requirements are not particularly high.

    With the advancement of technology and the development of the automotive industry, the performance requirements for automotive cables are also constantly increasing. In order to meet the needs of future automotive design, cable manufacturers need to continuously innovate in materials and processes to provide more high-performance and high-reliability cable products.

    In summary, as the cornerstone of the automotive electrical system, the importance of automotive cables cannot be ignored. Through careful design and reasonable distribution of various cables, the car can be ensured to operate stably and reliably under various conditions. With the development of autonomous driving and electrification, the requirements for the performance of automotive cables will become more and more stringent, and its technological progress will continue to drive the automotive industry towards a more efficient, safer and more environmentally friendly direction. If you want to have information about automotive battery cables, please search: OMG EV HV Harness

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