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Copper connection applications for automotive cables

  • Date:2024-06-11T01:27:11Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    Description : Cables are the components with the largest cost share in the high-voltage connector harness of electric vehicles. The conductor materials commonly used are mainly copper and copper alloys. Copper has good electrical and mechanical properties and is an ideal material for electrical conduction. As the charging current of electric vehicles develops towards 400A or higher, if copper continues to be used as a cable conductor, cables with specifications of 95mm2 or larger must be used, which will increase the mass of the harness and the vehicle, which is not conducive to the development strategy of reducing energy consumption and increasing the range. Therefore, in order to improve the vehicle's range and reduce energy consumption, high-voltage harnesses need to be designed to be lightweight.

    Among them, automotive copper busbars are generally divided into: T2 copper is a common raw material for copper busbars. It has a purple appearance and is also called copper. It has good electrical and thermal conductivity, and has good corrosion resistance and formability. It is mainly used as a conductive, thermal and corrosion-resistant component, and is generally used for components on power supplies that need to carry large currents.

    It can also be divided into: Brass can also be used as the raw material of copper busbars. Its strength and hardness are higher than that of copper. It has higher strength and cold and hot processing properties. It is easy to carry out various forms of forming and cutting processing, but its conductivity is not as good as copper. Of course, the price is more affordable, so brass can be used instead of copper under the condition of meeting the conductivity requirements.

    Application: First, to meet the needs of electrical functions, copper busbars must realize the transmission of current, voltage and electrical signals. Secondly, copper busbars can be used to replace large-section wires in automobiles. Copper busbars have lower process requirements and are easier to bend due to their special structure to achieve connection; copper busbars have the characteristics of small size, beautiful appearance and easy fixation, and can also replace small-section wires.

    To learn more about EV battery cable information , Please visit or search: OMG EV harness

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