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Standard UL3932 70 sq. ft. Automotive Cable Applications

  • Date:2024-05-27T01:37:50Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    Introduction: UL3932 70 square meter automotive cable is mainly used for high voltage and high current power transmission and distribution in the field of new energy vehicles. The design and application of this cable must meet strict safety and performance standards to ensure vehicle reliability and occupant safety.

    First of all, from the perspective of technical specifications, UL3932 70 square cable has excellent electrical performance and high temperature resistance. According to the search results, this cable is rated for a temperature range of -40°C to +125°C, making it capable of handling extreme temperature environments. Its conductors use single or stranded bare copper wires or tinned copper wires, and the insulation material is cross-linked polyolefin. It not only complies with RoHS environmental standards, but also passes the UL FT2 horizontal combustion test/VW-1 vertical flame resistance test. These characteristics make UL3932 70 square cable an ideal high-voltage cable choice for new energy vehicles.

    Secondly, considering the special requirements of new energy vehicles for cables, the application of UL3932 70 square cables is particularly important. The high voltage and high current environment in new energy vehicles requires cables to not only have excellent conductivity, but also have good insulation and safety. As shown in the search results, the high-voltage wiring harness in the car has the characteristics of high voltage/high current and large number of large-diameter wires. The design of the wiring harness faces challenges such as wiring, safety, shielding, weight, and cost. UL3932 70 square cable is designed to meet these challenges and can efficiently and safely transmit power in a limited space.

    Furthermore, from the perspective of application scope, UL3932 70 square cable is not only suitable for internal connections in new energy vehicles, but is also widely used in energy storage systems, charging pile equipment and other high-voltage electrical equipment. This versatility makes UL3932 70 square cable an indispensable part of new energy vehicles and related facilities. Especially in the field of energy storage and charging, with the rapid development of the new energy vehicle market, the demand for efficient and reliable cables is increasing.

    Finally, taking into account future development trends, with the continuous advancement of technology and the increase in market demand, it is expected that the technical specifications and application scope of such high-voltage cables will continue to expand in the future. Manufacturers need to continue to optimize product design and improve production quality to meet higher performance requirements and wider application needs.

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