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The role of quality aspects of OMG liquid-cooled charging manufacturers

  • Date:2024-05-27T01:05:41Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    Electric vehicles are booming in popularity as environmental protection and transportation transition to cleaner energy sources. However, the relatively long charging time of an electric car compared to a car filled with gasoline has been one of the major concerns. The liquid-cooled charging connector can greatly improve the charging speed. The quality of the liquid-cooled charging connector products currently on the market is uneven. How to judge whether the quality of the liquid-cooled charging connector is good or bad­ Among them, the liquid-cooled charging connector is the port where the charging pile is connected to the car charging interface.

    Product production materials: The materials of charging connectors mainly include shells, plugs, sockets and wires. If the quality of these materials is not good, it will easily lead to unstable plugs and sockets, loose wires and other problems, which will affect the service life and safety of the charging gun.

    Product manufacturing process: The connector manufacturing process includes processing, assembly, testing and other links. If the process is not strict, the charging gun may have problems such as inaccurate dimensions and loose structure, resulting in instability during use or reduced safety performance.

    Manufacturer: Excellent manufacturers and professional R&D teams have certain guarantees in terms of materials, manufacturing processes, and testing equipment to ensure the quality of liquid-cooled charging connectors. Therefore, when choosing a liquid-cooled charging connector, you should choose a reputable and strong manufacturer to ensure the quality of the charging gun.

    Ultimately, the quality of a liquid-cooled charging connector depends on material quality, manufacturing process, and choosing a guaranteed manufacturer. To ensure the safety and longevity of the product. Users who know or want to join dealers are welcome to search and visit: OMG EV cable

    The role of quality aspects of OMG liquid-cooled charging manufacturers

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