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The role of high-voltage cables for new energy electric vehicles

  • Date:2024-02-26T02:06:11Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    Today, electric vehicles are ubiquitous in society. Especially in recent years, new energy electric vehicles have achieved breakthroughs in sales and may even surpass traditional fuel vehicles. Compared with fuel vehicles, electric vehicles are special and have the characteristics of high voltage and large current. They are usually equipped with a power supply system of more than 300V and more than 200A current. This is completely different from traditional cars that are only equipped with 12/24V power supply systems. Safety measures for electric vehicle high-voltage distribution boxes, high-voltage lines, and connectors have become safety aspects that require attention. ///With the advent of the new energy era, new energy electric vehicles of different brands can be seen in society. The proportion of cars on the road continues to increase. As the automobile era progresses, the proportion of new energy electric vehicles and traditional fuel vehicles is about the same. However, what is the role of high-voltage cables used in new energy electric vehicles­ can develop rapidly in this new energy era. Let’s briefly understand the role of high-voltage cables for electric vehicles.

    Electric vehicle high-voltage wires refer to circuit-connecting components that are stamped after crimping copper contact terminals (so-called connectors) and wires (cables), and are wrapped with plastic compression insulators or external metal casings. Functionally, there are two types of power lines that carry the power to drive the actuator and signal lines that transmit sensor input instructions. The power cord is divided into low-voltage wiring harness and high-voltage wiring harness.

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    The role of high-voltage cables for new energy electric vehicles

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