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Application and development trend of EVs high voltage wiring harness in modern vehicles

  • Date:2024-05-20T03:13:54Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    High-voltage wiring harness refers to a combination of wires and cables that can withstand high voltage and is usually used in vehicles, aircraft, railways and other transportation as well as industrial fields. The applications of high-voltage wiring harnesses mainly include the following aspects:

    1. Automobiles: In automobiles, high-voltage wiring harnesses are usually used in the power supply system of high-voltage electrical appliances such as engine control modules, ignition systems and fuel injectors to ensure normal engine operation. At the same time, high-voltage wiring harnesses are also key components of electric vehicles, transmitting electrical energy to drive the motor.

    2. Aircraft: In aircraft, high-voltage wire harnesses are often used as connectors in the aircraft electrical system to connect the aircraft's power supply system and electrical equipment. High-voltage wiring harnesses can also be used in many applications such as flight control systems, communication systems, and navigation systems.

    3. Railway: In the railway system, high-voltage wire harnesses are usually used in the power supply system of electrified railways to supply high-voltage power to drive electric locomotives or high-speed trains.

    4. Industry: In the industrial field, high-voltage wire harnesses are used for power supply and signal transmission of high-voltage electrical appliances, and can also be used for machine automation and instrument control.

    In short, high-voltage wire harnesses play an extremely important role in various industries and can bring stable, efficient, and reliable electrical connections and power supply. Welcome to visit and search: OMG EV HV cable

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