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High-voltage cross-linked XLPE vs. silicone cables

  • Date:2024-05-20T01:52:07Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    XLPE or silicone rubber cables are mainly used for high voltage cables in vehicles. Bicycle high-voltage wires account for about half of the high-voltage wiring harness, ranging from 800 yuan (cross-linked wire) to 1,000 yuan (silicone rubber wire). XLPE has low cost for domestic manufacturers, and silicone wires from foreign manufacturers have good performance.

    Since high-voltage cables for automobiles have just started, domestic manufacturers are still in the stage of learning from foreign manufacturers. At present, consumption is still small and prices are high. After large-scale production in the later period, prices and costs will return.

    Since the XLPE process is relatively mature, manufacturers can add cross-linked masterbatch for direct production, and the cost and construction period are relatively low. At present, domestic automobile manufacturers mainly choose to use XLPE.

    The high temperature resistance (-50℃--180℃) and flexibility of silicone rubber cables are very helpful for in-car wiring. Foreign manufacturers mainly choose silicone rubber cables, such as Klopp, Leoni, Live electric, Kroschu, etc. Domestic manufacturers are also trying to develop silicone rubber cables. The main difficulty lies in the optimization of the synthesis ratio of silicone rubber materials and the optimization of the process. At present, foreign-funded enterprises do not have silicone thread production lines in China, and their products still rely on imports.

    Thank you for your support and cooperation with our products, and we hope to continue to work together to achieve a win-win situation. Please or search: OMG EV cable

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