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OMG Conductive Technologies High Voltage Cable Standard Applications

  • Date:2024-05-13T01:24:05Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    Guangdong OMG Conduction Technology Co., Ltd. (OMG) has participated in the formulation of relevant national standards in the application of high-voltage cable standards and provided cable products that meet the standards. details as follows:

    Participation in industry standards: The company participated in the formulation of the GB/T standard for "Electric Vehicle Charging Cables", which is a standard for electric vehicle charging lines and high-voltage lines.

    Product categories: The company's main products include electric vehicle charging pile cables, high-power liquid-cooled charging cables, etc. These products are part of the core components of new energy vehicles, and the company is considered one of the top 100 companies in the core components of new energy vehicles. one.

    Safety standards: When selecting high-voltage cables, OMG' will comprehensively consider factors such as the cable's electrical conductivity, heat resistance, environmental impact resistance, and safety standards to ensure the quality and safety of the product.

    Industry status: OMG' has professional technology accumulation and research background in the field of new energy vehicle transmission, and its product quality and technical level have been recognized by the industry.

    Implementation standards: The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology approved and released the automotive industry standard QC/T 1037-2016 "High-voltage cables for road vehicles". This standard stipulates the requirements for high-voltage cables for road vehicles with rated voltages AC1000V/DC1500V and below. OMG's products meet these requirements .

    To sum up, OMG's application in the field of high-voltage cables follows strict national and industry standards, and its products are widely used in the field of new energy vehicles, including charging facilities for electric vehicles. Through continuous technological innovation and standards participation, OMG' plays an important role in promoting the safety and development of the new energy vehicle industry.

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