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Automotive high-voltage cable testing process and results

  • Date:2024-05-06T02:37:53Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    Introduction: As a cable manufacturer, the research and development, production, and testing of all cables are carried out according to the process operation. Manufactured in accordance with production standard procedures. Safe and efficient operation. The results of vehicle cable testing on high-voltage cables can help determine whether the cable is working properly and detect whether there are electrical faults or damage. The following are possible test results and their meanings:

    1. Normal power-on state: This means that the cable is able to transmit power during the test and there are no obvious problems or faults. 2. Short circuit fault: This means that there is a direct connection between two or more conductors in the cable, which usually causes excessive current and may cause equipment damage or fire risks. 3. Open circuit fault: This means that the connection between the wires in the cable is disconnected or interrupted, resulting in the inability of current to pass, which may cause the equipment to not work properly. 4. Ground fault: This means that there is an abnormal connection between the conductor of the cable and the ground, which may cause the current to flow through the equipment incorrectly or cause the equipment to short-circuit. 5. Cable damage: The test results may show that there is physical damage to the outside or inside of the cable, such as cutting, wear, cracking, etc., which may cause the cable to not work properly or pose a safety risk. It should be noted that the high-voltage cable test results should be analyzed and interpreted by professional technicians to ensure accuracy and safety. To learn more about automotive high-voltage cable test results, please search and visit: OMG EV Battery cable

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