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New Energy Vehicle Cable Connection 70 sq ft Application

  • Date:2024-04-08T02:30:48Z
    Company:Guangdong OMG Transmission Technology Co., Ltd.
    Place:China - Guangdong
    Address:Building B-7, No. 1, Yiran Road, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
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    New energy vehicle high-voltage cables are mainly used to transmit high-voltage power and connect key components such as batteries and motors. This high-voltage cable has a large conductive cross-sectional area and high temperature resistance, and can effectively transmit high-power current and ensure the normal operation of the vehicle.

    70 square meters of automotive high-voltage cables are mainly used in automotive electrical systems. It is usually used to connect the vehicle's engine, battery and other electrical equipment, transmitting high-voltage current to drive various functions and systems of the vehicle. The following are some common applications of automotive high-voltage cables 70 square meters: engine starting circuit, ignition system, charging system, vehicle electronic equipment, high-voltage electrical equipment;

    Of course, it should be noted that the above are just some common applications of 70 square meters of automotive high-voltage cables. Actual application may vary based on vehicle model and specific needs. When selecting and using high-voltage cables, be sure to comply with relevant safety regulations and ensure compliance with applicable technical standards and requirements.

    If you want to know more cable product details, please subscribe and follow the website. Please search: OMG EV cable

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