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Float Switch Water Level Controller for Sump Pump, Water Tank

  • Date:2024-03-11T06:15:51Z
    Company:Suzhou Meikong Electric Technology Co.
    Place:China - Jiangsu
    Address:Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP)
    Contact:MRs Zhang(Manager)
    Contact Me:

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    Float Switch Water Level Controller with 10 Meters (32 feet) cable; Rated Current/Voltage: AC 10(8A) 250V~10(4A) 380V; Recommended Voltage: DC 24V If you need to extend the wire, be very careful to seal tight the wire splice if it’s gonna be underwater. Working Temperature: 0°C~60°C; Control Range: 0.2m; Electrical Endurance: 50,000 times Contacts: NO+NC The float switch can be used for an in-let flow of water and out-let flow of water from the tank to controlled the level of water, it works in both ways. As the liquid level reaches upper or lower switching value, the controller contact will send out signals. Float Switch Water Level Controller for Sump Pump, Water Tank

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