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Incremental Rotary Encoder S30-J3V100 Diameter 30mm 100P R ABZ Phase

  • Date:2024-03-23T05:50:26Z
    Company:Suzhou Meikong Electric Technology Co.
    Place:China - Jiangsu
    Address:Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP)
    Contact:MRs Zhang(Manager)
    Contact Me:

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    Incremental type (general purpose type, solid shaft)
    External dimensions: Small volume, external diameter: Ø30mm, thickness: 30mm, shaft diameter: Ø4mm (D-shaped mouth)
    Resolution: Attainability:600P/R
    Power voltage: DC5V:DC5V-12V;DC12V-24V
    Grade of Protection:IP50
    Line length: 1M
    Material of outer cover: aluminum
    Weight: about 70g

    Product Description:

    The Solid Shaft Encoder is a high-precision feedback device that provides accurate and reliable information on the speed and position of rotating shafts. With its solid shaft design, this encoder is ideal for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications, including CNC machines, printing presses, and industrial automation.


    - High-precision feedback on the speed and position of rotating shafts

    - Solid shaft design for precise and sturdy installation and maintenance

    - Robust construction for long-lasting performance

    - Wide range of resolutions and output options

    - Suitable for a wide range of applications


    - Improves machine performance and efficiency

    - Reduces downtime and maintenance costs

    - Ensures safety for employees and equipment

    - Increases productivity and profitability

    - Provides real-time data for informed decision-making


    - CNC machines and machine tools

    - Printing presses and paper converting equipment

    - Industrial automation and robotics

    - Material handling and conveyors

    - And more!

    Upgrade your business and take control of your operations with the Solid Shaft Encoder. Our high-precision feedback device is designed to provide accurate and reliable information on the speed and position of rotating shafts, ensuring that your machines operate at peak performance. Contact us today to learn more about our wide range of Solid Shaft Encoder solutions.

    Incremental Rotary Encoder S30-J3V100 Diameter 30mm 100P R ABZ Phase

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