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Best spine surgeon Dr. Hitesh Garg India

  • Date:2024-03-05T07:01:32Z
    Company:Best spine surgeon Dr. Hitesh Garg India
    Place:Papua New Guinea - Southern Highlands
    Address:411 P.O. Box 3807
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    Issues with your spine can arise not only due to aging but also as a result of accidents. In such cases, surgical procedures become essential to restore a healthy lifestyle. Best spine surgeon Artemis Hospital Gurgaon, has significantly strengthened the country's spine care system, providing enhanced facilities for international patients seeking relief from their medical concerns. Patient cans contact Dr. Hitesh Garg Artemis Hospital Gurugram, as he specializes in successful surgical procedures aimed at alleviating severe back pain. India's spine and neurosurgical services have garnered substantial global recognition and popularity, particularly for their exceptional medical tourism services. Know more.....


    Best spine surgeon Dr. Hitesh Garg India

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