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energy storage inverter, suitable for bidirectional charging and discharging of flow batteries

  • Date:2024-07-03T06:39:18Z
    Place:China - Shandong
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    Product features:

    1.0V charging, dedicated to liquid flow batteries;

    2.DC soft-start ,Prevent battery from being impacted;

    3.It has high and low voltage ride-through ability, fast power regulation, and strong power grid adaptability;

    4.Seamless switching between grid connection and off grid / active power adjustable, accept scheduling;

    5.Integrated EMS makes it easy to set peak and valley period of time;

    6.Equipped with PQ/VF / DC source / black start function;

    7.It is suitable for a variety of energy storage application scenarios such as peak load shifting, peak regulation and frequency regulation, and auxiliary new energy grid connection.

    energy storage inverter, suitable for bidirectional charging and discharging of flow batteries

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