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Biocide MBM N,N'-Dimorpholinomethane CAS No.: 5625-90-1

  • Date:2024-06-27T08:18:24Z
    Company:Shanghai Million Chemical Limited
    Place:China - Shanghai
    Address:Room 702, No. 2959 Gudai road, Minhang
    Contact Me:

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    CAS No.: 5625-90-1

    EINECS(EC#): 227-062-3

    Molecular Formula: C9H16N2O3

    Molecular Weight: 200.23

    Item No.: MBM

    MBM is a broad-spectrum low toxicity biocide whose main active ingredient is morpholine derivatives. Compared with triazine biocides, MBM is less irritating to the skin and has a milder odor. Mainly prevents the spoilage of bacteria and fungi in metalworking fluids.

    Application: Biocide MBM is suitable for emulsions, semi-synthetic and synthetic metalworking fluids.

    Biocide MBM Features:

    ● Broad-spectrum biocide, can effectively inhibit and kill bacteria, fungi and yeasts.

    ● It has good compatibility with additives such as surfactants in the formula, and has no adverse effect on the stability of the metalworking fluids.

    ● Helps to improve the PH value of the metalworking fluids.

    ● It has better inhibitory effect on mold and fungus at higher concentration.

    ● Can be used alone or in combination with other biocides.

    Biocide MBM N,N-Dimorpholinomethane CAS No.: 5625-90-1

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