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with Good Hardness Oxidized Polyethylene Wax PE Wax

  • Date:2024-06-13T02:48:20Z
    Company:Syntop chemical Co.,Ltd.
    Place:China - Tianjin
    Address:A Building, Hesheng International Plaza
    Contact Me:

     Business License verifiedEmail verified

    Features and Benefits:
    1.Low viscosity
    2.Good thermal stability
    3.Good dispersion

    Properties Unit Test Method Specifications
    Melting point ºC ASTM E 28 110±3
    Density g/cm3 @23ºC ASTM D 1505 0.93
    Hardness d-mm @25ºC ASTM D 5 ≤5
    Acid value Mg KOH/g ASTM D 1386 15±1
    Appearance Yellowish powder

    with Good Hardness Oxidized Polyethylene Wax PE Wax

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