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Pure Polyphenylene Oxide PPO Powder Lxn 035 Lxn 040 Lxn 045

  • Date:2024-05-28T06:05:58Z
    Company:Syntop chemical Co.,Ltd.
    Place:China - Tianjin
    Address:A Building, Hesheng International Plaza
    Contact Me:

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    PPO Powder is a medium-high molecular weight polymer based on Polyphenylene Ether (PPE). This material is intended for use as an additive or a building block in a variety of thermoplastics and thermoplastic elastomers such as Styrenic Block Copolymers. PPE powder can be used to improve properties (i.e. Heat Distortion and Creep Resistance). It is hydrolytically stable and non-hydroscopic (typically less than 0.2% water uptake). The polymer is soluble in common organic solvents and THF. Chemical name: Poly (2,6-dimethyl-, 1,4-phenylene ether) (PPE) Formula: (C8H8O)n. 

    Typical Properties  Unit  Test Method LXN 035 LXN 040  LXN 045
    Intrinsic Viscosity cm3/g ISO 1628/1 35±2 40±2 45±2
    Molecular Weight -  GB/T 27843 22000-28000 30000-37000 39000-46000
    Copper Content ppm Internal Method <1 <1 <1
    Volatile % Internal Method <0.6 <0.6 <0.6
    Melt Index,315°/10kg g/10min ISO 1133 22-32 8-13 8-15
    Tg ºC GB/T 19466.2 210 215 215

    Pure Polyphenylene Oxide PPO Powder Lxn 035 Lxn 040 Lxn 045

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