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Fischer Tropsch Wax Used in Polish Lubricant

  • Date:2024-05-28T05:46:10Z
    Company:Syntop chemical Co.,Ltd.
    Place:China - Tianjin
    Address:A Building, Hesheng International Plaza
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    Fischer Tropsch wax is a methylene polymer, which is an alkane polymer synthesized from hydrocarbon based synthetic gas. It mainly relies on high-quality and cheap raw materials of coal chemical industry for iron based or cobalt based synthesis.

    Properties Unit SYY-52 SYY-60 XTFT-70 XTFT-80 SYY-90 SYY-95 SYY-100 XTFT-105H SYW-115
    Melting point ºC ≥53 ≥62 74-78 80-86 ≥90 81-101 82-102 102-103 112.5-117
    Penetration 0.1mm/100g 5s at25ºC ≤50 ≤25 10-18 10-18 ≤10 ≤5 ≤4 12.2 ≤1
    Oil content % ≤15 ≤7 <4 1-3 ≤5 ≤1 ≤1 ≤0.2 ≤0.5

    Fischer Tropsch Wax Used in Polish Lubricant

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