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Keep Kitchens Clean and Odour-free with BORA Extractor Hobs

  • Date:2024-02-22T11:08:03Z
    Company:Aubie O'Rourke Fitted Furniture
    Place:Ireland - Cork
    Address:Unit 15 South Cork Industrial Estate, Vicars Road Togher, Cork, T12KOEN
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    Kitchens are a vital space in any household that binds the whole family together. To ensure the cooking station is always clean and hygienic without a pungent smell, we have the best extractor hobs in Cork. Built with a heavy-duty, powerful motor and an advanced hob to extract air at a high rate, our BORA extractor hobs are known for their effortless cleaning feature. The creative design model reduces air resistance, ensuring that these hoods enhance extraction for a filter-free operation, keeping kitchens free from unwanted and unhealthy cooking smoke and residues. Vapours and odours are suctioned away precisely where they arise—directly at the cooktop, straight from pots, roasters, pans, or grills. Discover the complete catalogue of BORA cooktop extractors that are making it possible for everyone to enjoy unlimited freedom in the kitchen. It’s time to transform modern kitchens into a culinary haven with BORA extractor hobs from Aubie O'Rourke Fitted Furniture.

    Keep Kitchens Clean and Odour-free with BORA Extractor Hobs

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