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Bags of rice for sale at a very cheaper and affordable rate

  • Date:2024-02-15T09:52:22Z
    Company:Lagos rice mill
    Place:Nigeria - Lagos
    Address:Ikorodu, Imota 104101, Lagos
    Contact:Adebayo Maxwell(Salesperson)
    Contact Me:

    Email verified

    We support an ‘out-grower program’ for local rice-growing communities, offering training, pre-finance, fertilizer, and seeds to improve their paddy yields. Lagos rice mill generates tens of thousands of indirect jobs through our network of farmers, suppliers/ wholesalers, local buying agents, and service providers. In addition to our internal sourcing and markets, we also have significant import and export operations. to place an order you can contact us 

    Bags of rice for sale at a very cheaper and affordable rate Bags of rice for sale at a very cheaper and affordable rate

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